Mitzi in Action

Mitzi Epstein helped achieve a number of wins for our community, despite the toxic partisanship of the Republican-controlled Arizona Legislature. Mitzi knows reasonable bipartisanship is the only way to get things done and that’s the goal - to solve problems and create solutions so Arizonans can focus on what matters most to them. 


Legislative Highlights

  • Passed historic and bipartisan improvements to state unemployment insurance
  • Passed laws improving insurance coverage of mental health services, including suicide prevention
  • Passed Family Caregiver grants to support Arizonans caring for elderly parents and dependent children


  • Fought against government overreach in neighborhoods to protect local control
  • Fought the fraud-ridden expansion schemes for private school vouchers that divert money out of the public district and charter schools most families rely on


  • Led the fight against devastating cuts to schools and community services
  • Led the fight against unfair tax schemes that favor the wealthiest 1% and make everybody else pay more
  • Led on budget proposals for increased teacher pay, better funding for students and additional school counselors and psychologists


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