Our community expects high quality public schools to support property values and local businesses today and to prepare our children to meet the unknowns of tomorrow with skills and confidence. Public education is the foundation of a thriving economy, freedom, and quality of life. We must educate the whole child. Neither a child nor a school should be reduced to one test score. Our schools need arts, PE, technology, school counselors, as well as rigorous courses in English, math, science and social studies. Mitzi will work to ensure we’re investing in schools that are high quality, equitable and accountable.
Earlier this year, Republicans pushed forward the nation’s largest private school voucher program, which stands to drain up to $1 BILLION from Arizona’s district and charter schools that our community - and 95% of the state - relies on. Mitzi will never stop fighting these unaccountable schemes that hurt the public schools our families choose.
Together with the Education Caucus in the legislature, Mitzi has developed
#1 - Lift the AEL, the artificial limit on K12 spending that is stopping our school districts from having access to the funds that the legislature put into the budget for them. Click to Read More.
This is a serious issue in this election. 20 Republican legislators voted "NAY" when the rest of the current legislators voted to approve HCR2039, which Lifted the AEL for the past school year. We need legislators who recognize the AEL MUST be lifted and will vote YES, to lift it for this school year, and to update it so it is not a harmful barrier in the next 10 years.
Mitzi Epstein has been a long-time, and highly respected advocate for strong public schools. She leads the House Democratic Caucus on committee and floor debates to improve K12 funding.
Click here for Mitzi's endorsements from education advocacy groups.